Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the dependent variable, independent variable ,and control for this question?

Does water permeate through soil faster than rocks?What is the dependent variable, independent variable ,and control for this question?
i think water goes faster through rocks???What is the dependent variable, independent variable ,and control for this question?
independent variables are those whose values are controlled or selected by the person experimenting (experimenter) to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon (the dependent variable)

The independent variable would be Soil and Rocks.

the dependent would be the time in which it takes the water to permeate.

Controls are also important to identify in experiments. They are the variables that are kept constant to prevent their influence on the effect of the independent variable on the dependent.

So the control is the amount of water used.
Dependent- permeation

independent- using either soil or rocks

control-using water as the substance you permeate with

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