Friday, January 22, 2010

What is the independent variable, the dependent variable and the controlled variable?

My mother always told me that the green tea is bad for your teeth. I attempted to prove her wrong by creating a controlled experiment. In it, I decided to get two people who volunteered as test subjects; person A was given a schedule where he would drink 3 green tea cups a day, person B was given a schedule where he would drink 3 cups of water every day. The result was that person A had his teeth darkened, person B's teeth remained the same color. What is the independent variable, the dependent variable and the controlled variable?
independent variable: green tea vs. water

dependent: teeth color

controlled: amount of liquid and how long...What is the independent variable, the dependent variable and the controlled variable?
Good expirement.

IV: Drink (Water, Green Tea)

DV: Color of Teeth

CV: The person same person (it doesnt apply to this one though), amount of liquid, time (how long you ran the expirement), there can be a lot.

Independent variables answer the question ';What do I change?';.

Dependent variables answer the question ';What do I observe?';.

Controlled variables answer the question ';What do I keep the same?';.

Please pick as 'Best Answer' Thank you. Good luck I hope you get a good grade :)

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