Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are the control variables in the question ';how does the length of wire affect the resistance';?

this is for my coursework and i have completed it. i just need to confirm. i have done experiments for this in class and now its time for the case study. So, one of the questions in the case study is, discuss the independant, dependant and control variables involved. i have done the independant and dependant. but what is meant by the control? thanks. please bare in mind that i have to give this in 1st draft mode tomarow. the 2nd of aprilWhat are the control variables in the question ';how does the length of wire affect the resistance';?
The Control Variables are the constants used for each experiment

and in this case the other variables that may affect the resistance.

To prove length of wire affects resistance all other variables must remain the same (constant)

The type of material

The cross sectional area

The temperatureWhat are the control variables in the question ';how does the length of wire affect the resistance';?
The control variables are things that you keep the same through out. in your experiment i would say it is the actual material the wire is made out of. You have to keep it the same other wise it would be difficult to assess whether it has been the length or type of metal that has made your results different, and your data might be confused.

For example if you wanted to do an experiment on how fast different ice cream melts it would be unfair to have one of the ice creams kept near a radiator and one inside the fridge as it is the type of ice cream that is your independent variable not environment.

Anything you keep the same is the control variable. Normally it's something like temperature or type of material if you get another question like this.

Hope this helps.
I guess they are the variables you choose.

The length of wire, the thickness of wire and so on.
Length of wire.

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